Ashley Facey Thomson
Ashley Facey Thompson is an inspirational figure in the borough of Newham who excels as a table tennis player. Ashley was born on January 31st 1995 and moved to Stratford when he was a child. It was here that he found his love for table tennis at the age of 11. He was taking part in a practice lesson when his coaches immediately spotted his talent.
He was only participating for fun, so it was incredibly fortunate that his talent was recognised from such an early age. His love of sports extends beyond table tennis – he is also a supporter of Arsenal and is a keen basketball fan. Like other champions, Ashley faced challenges in his journey, he just missed out on being selected as part of the team for London 2012. However, in 2013 Ashley won a bronze medal in Italy, Hungary and Czech Republic and represented Great Britain in the European Championships.
Ashley suffers from a medical condition, born with Erbs palsy that has affected the nerves in the right side of his body, primarily in his arm and shoulder. This does not affect his motivation which sees him working hard to continue to progress his skills and his career – his dedication can be through not just his sporting achievements but in winning the Canary Wharf Sports Personality of the Year 2012. For Ashley, growing up in Stratford made him appreciate the importance of success.
He has influenced the lives of many young people, reminding them that they can achieve anything if they focus. Furthermore, he was selected for the Paralympic Inspiration Programme and so visited the Paralympic venues and villages, this opportunity has made him even more determined to chase his dreams. It is evident, that Ashley is a focused individual who is willing to go beyond the limits to reach his absolute potential. He has taken on another challenge by studying sports coaching and analysis at Southbank University in London. The development of his career is key in understanding that at such a young age he has already been renowned as a champion for the young people in the borough of Newham.